Monday, December 5, 2011

The Power of Art

My mother is an artist. Some of my earliest memories are coming home from school and sitting on the floor next to her easel and talking to her while she painted. I suppose that is why I feel so strongly about the power that art has in shapping our realities. Not sold yet? Let's try an example. If I asked you what Jesus looks like you might describe a man with long hair and a beard. If I asked you to concentrate on the picture in your mind you might soon realize that the image you hold in your mind is actually a depiction of the Savior painted by an artist.

This reality-shaping power found in art is especially useful to us as parents trying to communicate to our children intangible ideas like love, work, and faith to children. We need tangible tools to help us convey these values and pictures are one of the most powerful ways to do this. Walt Disney once said, "Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language."

For this reason I am going to begin to introduce different pictures on this blog and how my wife and I have used these images to communicate our values to our children. This has not been a road without bumps and bruises. Often what I want them to see is not what comes across, but the victories have made the ride worth it. Stay tuned...

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